Leadership & Governance

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Leadership & Governance

November 2015 |
Chris Cardona, Ford Foundation | Why is it so hard to foundations to talk about failure? There are many reasons, including lack of incentives, presence of disincentives, lack of context, lack of clarity about when failure has actually happened and who owns it. In this blog post, Chris explores the the intersection between failure and risk and how that connects to "second discipline" work: the relational and interpersonal skills program officers need.
October 2015 |
"Philanthropy Is... Convening." That's the theme of Local Matters: Washington, an opportunity for funders, nonprofits and community leaders to discuss how we initiate and facilitate conversations about our work together. We're pleased to confirm that leaders from these organizations will be joining us in Bellingham on November 3-4:
September 2015 |
Nicole Neroulias Gupte, Communications Manager | Our staff retreat last month at Islandwood on Bainbridge Island required only a carry-on bag, but mentally, I'm still unpacking it all. At other places I've worked — mainly newspapers and small nonprofits — conventional wisdom was that we had neither the time, budget nor need for an annual retreat. Now that I've finally experienced one, I'm wholeheartedly convinced that getting out of the office and out of our comfort zones, even for just a day and a half once a year, gives us the renewed energy and refreshed perspective we need to move forward individually and as a team. To inspire other organizations to design or rethink your staff retreats, here are some notes.
September 2015 |
Former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and his wife Connie, joined by Microsoft, have committed $21 million to the Washington State Opportunity Scholarship to support low- and middle-income students pursuing studies in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and health care fields. The scholarship, which Boeing and Microsoft each helped found with $25 million each in 2011, matches public and private money to deserving scholars and encourages recipients to work in Washington state once they complete their degrees.
September 1, 2015
10:00am to 11:30am
Seattle + Webinar
Legal help can often mean the difference between shelter and homelessness, illness and health, and loss or opportunity. Yet everyday millions of Americans cannot access the legal assistance they need when facing life-changing situations such as domestic violence, unlawful evictions, or the loss of veterans’, health or disability benefits. Please join Philanthropy Northwest and leaders from the Montana Justice Foundation, The California Endowment, and the Public Welfare Foundation for a conversation exploring the role civil legal aid can play to complement your existing funding portfolio.
September 2015 | The Giving Practice

What comes after “strategic...?” If you said, “planning,” you’re not alone. And for many leaders of community foundations, especially small ones who don’t have the time or money for a big process, anxiety is the feeling that follows. If that’s the case, this guide is for you.

August 2015 |
Nicole Neroulias Gupte, Communications Manager | Philanthropy Northwest believes in sharing best practices, convening and collaborating effectively to support our members, partners and communities. Last month, it was our turn: we traveled to Baltimore to meet with our peers from dozens of philanthropy networks and affinity groups working with foundations, corporate giving programs, major donors, impact investors and lawmakers to build capacity locally, regionally and nationally. Here's what we learned: